Friday 24 July 2009

The Institute for Policy Studies is pleased to invite you to a video discussion
Deflating Bolivia Hyperbole in the US
featuring Kathryn Ledebur
Director, Andean Information Network (AIN)
Cochabamba, Bolivia

In many ways, perceptions of Bolivia in the US resemble a Rorschach test on which to project one's fears, dogmas or utopian visions. In reality, Bolivian political and social dynamics are complex, constantly shifting, and impossible to force into preconceived external formulas. Neither an Andean socialist paradise nor an extension of the "Venezuelan-Iran-Cuba axis of the Bolivarian Revolution," recent reports perpetuate stale stereotypes and misconceptions and prevent a balanced evaluation of the challenges faced in Bolivia. This briefing will deconstruct one such recent publication Into the Abyss: Bolivia Under Evo Morales and the MAS as a typical case study and offer a deeper, more nuanced analysis of recent developments.

Link to the video discussion:

Since 1999, Kathryn Ledebur has directed the Andean Information Network (AIN), wich promotes human rights and socioeconomic justice in Bolivia and more humane and effective illicit drug control policies. AIN provides information and analysis to NGO colleagues, the media and international policymakers on developments in Bolivia and the impact of U.S. government and European policies.

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