Thursday 29 November 2007


Dear Friends,

It is hard to believe Christmas is only a month away!!! If you supported “Pro-Navidad” last year, thank you – you helped raise more than $2000.

For the past six years, Volunteer Bolivia has organized a Christmas campaign “Pro-Navidad”. For the first 5 years we were in the villageKami, then last year we travelled to the small Andean village of Toro Toro. of This year we will once again be celebrating the holidays in Toro Toro. We would like to give a small gift to the children and food baskets with staples such as rice, sugar and powdered milk to the families.


Over the years we have developed a special relationship with the village residents and the area’s amazing natural beauty. We, and our volunteers, have benefited from the both the kindness and generosity of the families we have met and stayed with. Christmas is a great time and opportunity to give back to the community.

Please consider joining us this year, even the smallest donation can help tremendously! We also encourage you to pass this information to friends and family. All help is appreciated.

If anyone is interested in seeing pictures of last year’s festivities please visit:

To donate please contact us at or

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